Gotta Love Texas!
A neighbor down the street picked up a tank a few months back. He’s always driving it around (it’s completely street legal, tagged, plates, etc). But you almost have to have a spotter riding up top to...
View ArticleSED and AWK for the VB Guy
Generally speaking, when I need to do a little file manipulation, I usually fire up .net, whip up a little command line app to do the trick and off I go. However, a few nights ago, I needed to...
View ArticleAnother Contract Down…
I’ve read that one of the marks of a good programmer is that they’re able to code themselves out of a job. I’m not sure about that, but, I did finish up this contract earlier than expected, so once...
View ArticleRemote Workers Are Actually More Engaged
Interesting article by Scott Edinger over on LifeHacker. He lists several reasons for this apparent contradiction, and I’ve seen first hand examples of the good and bad in my last 12+ years of on and...
View ArticleFading two Video Windows in WPF
I was discussing some future features of a commercial jukebox application with the author a few days ago and he lamented about what weak video support the library he had used had for video. In...
View ArticleMerry Christmas
It’s been a long year. Merry Christmas to everyone. Here’s to next year.
View ArticleViewing CHM files from Network Drives
Ok. So this is not a particularly new problem. You get an application, which comes with a help file in the CHM (Compressed Hypertext) format. Works great as long as you don’t try and open it from a...
View ArticleFrets On Fire X From Source Code
NOTE: In the process of putting together this post, I discovered both the game PhaseShift, and a fantastic theme for it based on RockBand 3. PhaseShift appears to be everything I was looking for in...
View ArticlePhaseShift and Frets On Fire X Song Packs
PhaseShift is an excellent freeware (not open source yet, as far as I can tell, but here’s hoping) version of the RockBand genre of games. It’s even more interesting in that it can interoperate with...
View ArticleFun With SQL (OVER and PARTITION clauses)
I’ve been interviewing over the last few weeks for a new position (If anyone has a need for a very experienced .Net developer with some recent Ruby/Rails/Javascript/Coffeescript/JQuery etc chops, shoot...
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